ABCD is the latest Telugu film in theatres. Allu Sirish and Ruksar Mir Played lead roles in the movie. Directed by Sanjeev Reddy, the film is jointly Produced by Madhura Sreedhar and Yash Rangineni. The film released today...
Jr Rowdy Hero Anand Deverakonda is making his debut with Dorasani and it is known to all. Like his brother Vijay Deverakonda, Anand also gearing up with 'peculiar' Telangana accent and he is on the way to present his style...
Allu Sirish's Malayalam remake with the title "ABCD" (American Born Confused Desi) has released its first look today. The film is produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy and Yash Rangineni....
The trend of seeing siblings getting into the same line of work is rather rare and even history has shown that such pairs have not been much especially in the Telugu Film Industry. The last known was the duo of Kajal Aggarwal and Nisha Aggarwal...
Young, talented actor Vijaya Devarakonda and producer Yash Rangineni's National Award Winning prestigious banner BigBen Cinemas Production No 2 is announced and a pre look poster is also launched....
In a press statement, Raj Kandukuri and Yash Rangineni, the proud producers of recent block buster Pelli Choopulu, which won 2 national awards namely for the best regional film....