The Dr. Rajsekhar-starring PSV Garuda Vega, directed by the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Praveen Sattaru, is being made without compromising on quality aspects. Ever since the makers introduced to the world the film's female lead Pooja Kumar...
For a long time a strong sentiment ruled that the sequels don't work at the box office in Tollywood and even some of the best movies became disasters. However, that jinx got broken with the arrival of the magnum opus Baahubali which is rattling the b...
While we get to see a varied breed of heroes, each star has his own signature style. In that, there is a special breed of stars who set a new legacy. One such person is the Universal Star Kamal Haasan....
You might be the most talented and brilliant actor of your times but that fame comes after going through a lot of hardships. However, once you reach a certain orbit of success, then failure and challenges don't haunt you....
Looks like Universal Hero Kamal Haasan is having a tough time. This acting great is known for his versatility, love and passion for cinema. He stood against many odds and mediocrity to present a good film to the audience....
We have many Heroes in our Indian Film Fraternity who enjoys the Demi-god status in our hearts. They always try to satisfy our entertainment appetite with their enormous talents....
When it comes to experiment in Cinema, the first name that strikes is Kamal Haasan. He tries to portray a different role in every of his films and even he prefers to choose a different get up....