Nara Rohit is one such actor who is known for the selection of unique stories. After Samanthakamani, Nara Rohith has acted in this romantic entertainer Balakrishnudu. Helmed by Pavan Mallela, the movie stars Regina as the female lead opposite Nara Ro...
While there were so many guesstimates and speculations about director Teja's next venture after Nene Raju Nene Mantri, the movie with Victory Venkatesh has been confirmed. The movie got started in a formal pooja event...
You would never be able to forget that moment when you saw the last frame on the silver screen wherein a shadow of Kattappa thrusts a sword at the back of Baahubali....
The fact of our lives is that we cannot stop or go against ageing and its process. This is the reason why as you begin to turn 30, the first symptoms of ageing begin and as you near your 50s....