One such movie is 'Mehbooba' which has been helmed by speed director Puri Jagannadh. This has Akash Puri, son of Puri Jagannadh, as the hero. Set on the backdrop of the 1971 Indo-Pak war, this is an intense love story between an Indian boy and a Paki...
Speed director Puri Jagannadh was once the ace filmmaker in Tollywood known for his super fast style of making. However, many flops have relegated his position but that hasn't stopped his approach. Keeping that aside, Puri is now approaching with 'Me...
Akash and Neha are the lead pair for Puri's new directorial 'Mehbooba' and while the underlying intent was to promote the movie, the main objective is a message to all the riders about the importance of wearing a helmet. This sentiment from Puri Jaga...
Looks ?wise Akash is yet to get that personality like a full-fledged hero but his voice is going to create sufficient impact. On the other hand, the trailer has shown that the film has been made with high intensity and rich budget. All these componen...
While it is not sure who or how the song was created, many are hailing speed director Puri Jagannadh to come up with an innovative song like this. If it gets its space, the Arabian song is going to enthrall the audience in theatres. The film has Puri...
With the army backdrop, the trailer is almost made with the same war scenes. Gunshots, Shootings, bombings, the blade-slappings of the helicopter and the international border sightings is what we can see throughout the trailer....
Puri is not new to Mumbai because in the past he has done the movie 'Buddah Hoga Tera Baap' with living legend Amitabh Bachchan. 'Mehbooba' marks the debut of his son Akash as the hero and the teaser got an immense response. What remains to be seen i...
Sandeep Chowta's music adds to the intensity of the feel of the couple's love. The visuals are nothing but a pleasant surprise. Puri Jagannadh himself has produced the romantic drama which will probably hit the screens in summer....