Tollywood versatile director Prasanth is known for experimenting with genres since his debut film...
Hero Rajasekhar is known for his firebrand movies and he is one of the top heroes of his time. Slowly, the hero got faded out and after a long gap, his movie 'PSV Garuda Vega' got good appreciation....
Versatile Actor, Angry Young Man Dr. Rajasekhar has tweeted out the pre-look of his next film with awesome 'Awe!' Director Prasanth Varma. It's an investigative thriller set in Telangana 1983 backdrop....
The shelf life of a heroine is rather limited and if it is a top league heroine, once she pairs up with all the star heroes her career is as good as done. In order to extend the innings, such type of starlets prefer to pair with tier two heroes...