ABCD is the latest Telugu film in theatres. Allu Sirish and Ruksar Mir Played lead roles in the movie. Directed by Sanjeev Reddy, the film is jointly Produced by Madhura Sreedhar and Yash Rangineni. The film released today...
Allu Sirish's Malayalam remake with the title "ABCD" (American Born Confused Desi) has released its first look today. The film is produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy and Yash Rangineni....
The titles of the films that you see above have no link with each other because both belong to different genres and different times. However, one connection has been established between them thanks to two producers and one lyricist of Tollywood....
Most of you would agree with us when we say that you dream of becoming something in life but you end up becoming something else. Perhaps that is what is called destiny and then life moves on....
Among the many vices you have seen in this world, smoking stands first in the list. It starts as a fun thing and a thrill but before you realize it takes complete control over you....
As a director, producer and co-producer Madhura Sreedhar Reddy with Sneha Geetham, It's My Love Story, Backbench Student, Prema Ishq Kadal, Maya, Ladies and Gentlemen, endowed heaps of fresh talents to the industry in the form of......
Director Madhura Sreedhar Reddy showcased the views of the millennial generation with his youth oriented films like Sneha Geetam, It's my love story and Backbench student. His latest production MAAYA is a critically acclaimed movie and top ......