Ram Charan, son of actor-turned-politician took his Facebook to appreciate his uncle's gutsy move in politics. As always Ram Charan seems to be in the support of his beloved 'baabay'. "Inspiring & Truthful....
If they decide they could have bought the tickets and made it at least an above average fare. Given that, some are now asking can the fans really come together to increase the vote bank and make their favorite star the Chief Minister of Andhra Prades...
Selfmade movie critic Mahesh Kathi seems to have crossed his limits by commenting on Honourable Prime Minister. While he claims himself as a movie critic, Kathi Mahesh has been interfering into political issues....
It doesn't matter which profession or path you take up, the most important thing here is the preparation and if you are involved in something very public like politics, you have to be double prepared and cautious...
The mania of power star Pawan Kalyan need not be explained to you all and in fact, his philosophy has been named as Pawanism. Despite all the hype and craze for him, it appears that Pawan Kalyan...