With more than a hundred movies under his direction, this filmmaker has explored multiple genres in cinema field. K Raghavendra Rao is known for his special knack in filmmaking. His movies cover multiple genres and stand as a textbook reference to th...
Now, there are reports that Eesha is going to be the leading lady in the new movie featuring Victory Venkatesh which would be helmed by the talented Teja. This is a big ticket flick and if Eesha can prove her mettle she would catapult into the big le...
Rakul Preet Singh is one of the most happening actresses in Tollywood. She had a handful of offers until recently. After the latest movie 'Khakee' alongside Tamil hero Karthi, Rakul has got only a couple of projects in her kitty left....
It is natural to come up with pictures of movies which are currently on the floors and care is often taken to ensure the best stills come out. In this process, while most of them may look appealing there are those rare pictures which really steal the...
Inside news says that Ram Gopal Varma is gearing up to make a film on Dawood Ibrahim. But sources are yet to confirm on this officially because the director is known for announcing several projects in short time....