After blockbuster success of Attarintiki Daredi Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram were supposed to work on a Rayalaseema faction based film titled Kobali...
They are known as the best buddies in Tollywood and they have a special mark of their own in the industry. We are talking about the duo of power star Pawan Kalyan and the wizard of words Trivikram Srinivas....
Pawan Kalyan has gifted fans many memorable blockbusters but his fans still await two projects - Satyagrahi & Kobali. Well Satyagrahi eventually faded away with time....
The eternal combination Pawan Kalyan- Trivikram dates back from Jalsa till their latest blocksbuster Attarintiki Daaredhi. This wonderful duo not only has great on-screen working chemistry but also off the screen as very good friends. Whenever these ...