Kanchana is one of the most entertaining horror-comedy series by choreographer turned actor and director, Raghava Lawrence. The latest instalment of this franchise, Kanchana-3, has opened to a strong 10.72 Crore gross on opening...
Raghava Lawrence is pretty excited as his upcoming film Kanchana 3 is all set to release. The prequel of this film, Muni, Kanchana and Kanchana 2 have been super hits and that's the reason, he is confident on bagging a hit once again....
They are two of a kind. One is a multi-talented personality who started his career as a dancer and dance master and eventually he also became an actor and a successful director....
You laugh when you see comedy, you cry when you see sentiment and you blush when you see romance but the most unforgettable emotion is fear. This is something you experience when you watch a horror movie....