It is known that Samantha is playing an important role in King Nagarjuna's next Manmadhudu-2, which is being directed by actor turned director Rahul Ravindran. While Rakul Preeth Singh is playing a romantic interest for King...
After Manam and Rajugari Gadhi-2, Samantha has joined hands with his 'Mavayya' Akkineni Nagarjuna for Manmadhudu-2, which is being directed by actor turned director Rahul Ravindran....
Earlier, news that Samantha Akkineni is doing a cameo in this film was going viral. But now, it is confirmed that the actor is part of the film and she will be doing an extended cameo. The actor revealed the news at the success...
King Akkineni Nagarjuna is currently busy with his romantic entertainer Manmadhudu 2 and recently Nag and his team have posted a picture from sets, in which Nag and the crew of Manmadhudu2 are framed. For the first time...