Allari Naresh's recent mass action drama Bachchala Malli was released with high expectations but unfortunately failed to make a mark at the box office. Despite its theatrical performance, the movie quickly found its way to streaming platforms and is now available on Amazon Prime Video, ETV Win, and Sun Nxt.
Directed by Subbu Mangadevi, the film stars Naresh alongside Amritha Aiyer, whose fresh pairing received praise from critics. Naresh's performance, in particular, garnered significant appreciation, showcasing his versatility as an actor.
The movie also boasts a strong ensemble cast, including Rao Ramesh, Rohini, Harsha Chemudu, Achyuth Kumar, Balagam Jayaram, Hari Teja, and Praveen, who played pivotal supporting roles.
Produced under the banner of Hasya Movies, Bachchala Malli features music composed by Vishal Chandrashekhar. Let us hope that the film gets a positive response at least on the OTT now.