Pawan Kalyan's biggest hit Kushi did so well at the box office, 2 decades ago. SJ Suryah is the director of the movie. Bhumika Chawla played the leading lady of the film. The film completes 20 years and Bhumika has shared a post on social media to thank everyone who is behind in making the film a big hit.
The actress received huge fame with this film. The actress played Madhu in the film. Sharing a picture on her Twitter profile, she wrote, "20 YEARS OF KUSHI ✨ I have received love from the audience, as boundless as the ocean since then ❤️ Thank you . Thanks to Director S.J Suryah Sir. @iam_SJSuryah, Pawan Garu @PawanKalyan, Producer A.M Ratnam Sir , Mani Sharma Garu and to all of you."
The film is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Catch it today to celebrate the film's anniversary!