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Bigg Boss Telugu 4: Episode 95: Big Fight Between Sohel And Ariyana

On Wednesday, the patience task is still in progress in the Bigg Boss house. Sohel, Abhijeet, and Harika took their positions to be patient and not give any expressions.

Interestingly, Ariyana started a war of words with Sohel saying that he should answer her for why he is very aggressive against her. In the previous task, Sohel threw her clothes in the swimming pool and also threw her toy away. Ariyana is upset and asked Sohel for an explanation. After Sohel completed his task, he straight away engaged in a war of words with Ariyana. Sohel became extremely angry and started screaming at Ariyana.

Ariyana tried to make some points regarding the task but Sohel confirmed that he is wantedly doing this in the process of seeking revenge on Ariyana for the torture he faced by her in the Kids task and a couple of other tasks. Ariyana did not like it and told that she played the game. Sohel then told that Ariyana has no emotions and she did not have any respect for Avinash when he took good care of her. The fight has become big with these arguments and Ariyana broke down emotionally.

Ariyana repeated her points and started crying heavily. Abhijeet consoled her but she could not control it.

Later, Sohel was called into the confession room. Sohel cried while talking to Bigg Boss that anger is his minus point and he was unable to control it

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