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Bigg Boss Telugu 4; Episode 33: Guests Team Wins BB Hotel Task & Sohel Becomes Captain


The episode started with Harika crying and Noel consoling her. Harika expressed that she accepted that it was a clever trick performed by the hotel team but she has to give an answer to her team members as well and all their efforts will get ruined only because of her. Mehboob asked Abhijeet where the stars are. But, Abhijeet said that he doesn't know.  

Bigg Boss announced that the BB Grand Hotel task is completed and asked how many stars the hotel team got. Abhijeet said 5. But, the guests' team members tried to defend claims that they didn't willingly give the stars. Bigg Boss declared the guest's team as the winner and asked them to pick the best performer among them. Initially, Ariyana wanted to support Mehboob. But, as Sohel didn't budge, she also changed her decision and claimed herself as the best performer.

After a long discussion, Mehboob finally gave up on the captaincy and gave a chance to Sohel. The team members then unanimously selected Sohel. Akhil who has more amount of tips also became a participant. Amma Rajashekar got selected as the worst performer and Avinash also won the secret task and became a participant in the captaincy task.

The next day started with the housemates dancing for 'Bul Reddy' song. Bigg Boss gave the captaincy task. As per the task, the participants have to hold two bowls of ice above a charcoal fire and the housemate who stays like that for a long time wins the task. Abhijeet became the Sanchalak. Akhil gave up first and fell down. After so long, Avinash also dropped making Sohel as the captain this week.

Avinash while talking with Ariyana, Mehboob and Sohel said that Divi is so tall and he got scared after seeing her and it looks like a big tower is walking whenever she walks. Divi while talking about Monal said that she is a good person but is unable to take the advantage of creating boundaries for her relationship with Akhil and Abhijeet.

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