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Tamil Hero Vijay Contributes 1.3 Cr


Donations towards fight against deadly virus Corona (Covid 19) have been pouring since couple of days from celebrities; especially cinema celebrities are doing their best in this special situation.

The latest contribution to the Corona relief fund is none other than Tamil Hero Vijay’s 1.30 Cr. In this 1.3 Cr, Vijay has allocated 25 Lakhs towards PM Relief fund. 50 Lakhs for Tamilnadu CM Relief Fund, 10 Lakhs for Kerala CM Relief Fund and 25 Lakshs towards FEFSI.

More interesting is, Vijay has contributed 5 Lakhs each for Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Pondichery and Karnataka CM Relief funds.

On the work front, Vijay is eagerly waiting for his upcoming release Master.

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