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How Senior Directors Live Without Work?


Unlike the job goers who know that their salary gets credited at the end of every month, the same is not the case with the cine folks. It is all about getting or for that matter, grabbing work when the opportunity comes and making money. In this regard, the situation of the directors is even more challenging given the limited scope of opportunities.

With more and more filmmakers entering the fray the boat is literally full and this has given rise to a new topic. The senior directors who are not working and sitting idle with no films on hand, how are they living? It is known that many noted senior directors are not having movies since many years and this topic seems to be a genuine ask.

A few enquiries has revealed that few senior directors took one path. When they were doing well they bought few flats and the rentals from these properties is saving them now. The rest of the seniors have made loans and surviving here and there. However, to clear those loans they are determined to get a project or two and hence they are running around production houses. That’s the story folks!

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