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Why Doesn't Punarnavi Stop Poking Her Nose In Everything?

Punarnavi is one of those very few people in the house, who pokes her nose in every other issue. Even when it is not about her, she wants to be in the conversation and talk bad about others behind them, to her close friends Varun, Vithika, and Rahul.


When Rohini and Sreemukhi had a fight, Shiva Jyothi was trying to cool down Rohini by talking and pacifying her. In between this, Punarnavi was the one who went to Rohini and spoke against Sreemukhi.


This is something Sreemukhi hasn’t liked at all. She told Vithika to tell others that she will sort out her issue with Rohini and asked others not to interfere or provoke Rohini against her.


It is pretty much true and can be seen that Punarnavi is influencing others, and is being influenced by Vithika, who seems to be pretty much cunning in the house.


It is necessary that Punarnavi has to learn to play her own game, instead of getting influenced by others.


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