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'Baboi Politics': Manchu Manoj Clears It!

Couple of months ago, Manchu Manoj has announced that he is quitting films, but he has changed his voice and said that he will continue in films and the real reason of changing his voice is none other than his father Manchu Mohanbabu.

After Mohanbabu’s serious warning, Manchu Manoj has decided to do films, but he hasn’t announced his next flick since long time. As per inside sourse, Manchu Manoj has no interest in doing films again.
While answering for question rose from a fan, Manchu Manoj said that “Will explain everything soon. if not yu guys who else will I tell?! Just give me one more time to come out. Thank you. Love you all with all my heart”.

On the other hand, one of his fans says “Politics loki matram poku anna (don’t go into politics brother)”. Then Manoj answers like “Baboi”. It means, Manoj has no interest in politcs. Meanwhile, Manoj’s brother Manchu Vishnu along with Mohanbabu has joined YSR Congress Party recently and it is known to all.

Baboi ?? https://t.co/rFTN4L1Ym7

— MM*???? (@HeroManoj1) August 2, 2019

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