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Double iSmart Soon, Any Changes?

Directed by Puri Jagannath, iSmart Shankar has already scored huge success and still it is making good money at box office. As per trade reports, iSmart Shankar has reached 65 Cr (gross) and it is racing towards 70 Cr.

On the other hand, iSmart director Puri Jagnnath has announced that he is getting ready for Double iSmart, sequel of iSmart Shankar. Couple of months back, Puri has registered the title, but many thought that it was just a publicity stunt.

Now, Puri once again asserted that he is going to start Double iSmart soon. While speaking at iSmart Shankar’s success meet, Puri has announced this. Some speculations are saying that Puri may replace Ram with another hero for Double iSmart, because the project will become bigger and it has the big span in terms of nativity.

But, Puri has full confidence on Ram Pothineni and he is the only option for the Double iSmart, sources very close to the director have revealed. It is learnt that Double iSmart will start in just couple of months only. If gossips are to be believed, Ram to play double role in Double iSmart.


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