Versatile actor Prakash Raj is getting ready to contest in upcoming Lok Sabha Elections from his own state Karnataka. On the other hand, Prakash Raj also getting ready to campaign for other parties as star campaigner in Telugu states, sources said.
All of us know Prakash Raj is doing some social service in Telugu states, by adopting a village Kondareddypally in Mahababoobnagar, Telangana State. On the other hand, Prakash Raj is pro-TRS and supported the party in recent Assembly elections. Actually, Prakash Raj expressed his willingness to contest from Telangana Lok Sabha elections, before TRS Chief, Telangana Chief Minister KCR. But as per sources, KCR suggested him to contest from Karnataka, the actor convinced.
Meanwhile, Prakash Raj also met YSR Congress Party chief YS Jaganmohan Reddy recently and expressed his views on the present political arena, some sources are quoting. After the murder of Journalist Gauri Lankesh, Prakash Raj started questioning the present NDA government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi via social media with ‘Just Asking’ Hash Tag.