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Small Producers Betting On HDR

We have often mentioned how the line of film producing is quite risky and there are many who ended up on roads after investing in movies. Yet, the passion for cinema is so high that there are many who keep popping up as producers. In that, those producers who invest in small budget movies are at higher risks.

Lately, the losses have become higher and hence the small budget producers are looking for alternatives. In that, a blessing has arrived for them in the form of Hindi dubbing rights. This is predominantly for the producers of the north. The moment they see some action, some rural touch to a south Indian movie they are grabbing it.

Apparently, such movies give good Hindi dubbing rights opportunity and this is bringing in money for the small producers here. According to one source, small movies with barely some content get 2 crores and if it is better it is going upto 6 crores for the dubbing rights. These movies are played more in the TV channels of north and money is made.


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