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One More Overseas Market Opening Up


Time and again we have mentioned how the filmmakers in the Telugu Film Industry are changing their strategy while shaping up a movie. They know that the overseas box office has become a crucial component for business and hence they tend to put elements that appeal to the NRIs. The strongest market is the US box office.

There is also the UK box office and the numbers clocked here tend to impact the business of cinema. Now, another market seems to be opening up in the overseas sector. We are talking about the Australian market. In the last decade and half, many Indians, especially the Telugus, have migrated to Australia.

Incidentally, all those who failed to get a visa to the US immediately applied for Australia and left. As a result, the response and interest levels for the Telugu movies are on the rise. With this, the trade analysts are now taking the Australian market into consideration. This is indeed a good sign as it helps strengthen the economy for cinema.



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