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RX100 Heroine Counters TV Reporter


These days the only discussion that is happening is about the movie ‘RX 100’ and the main reason for that is the steamy side of the leading lady. Thanks to debutante Payal Rajput, she has become the sought after property in the Telugu Film Industry and her boldness quotient has certainly rubbed few ladies and their organizations on the wrong side.

As expected, the electronic media has been doing its best to spike the TRPs cooking a controversy out of it and one channel came up with an open debate between the cast and crew on one side and few lady activists. From time to time, the host of the show has been fueling up the heat with his controversial questions and implications.

One such instance was about the kissing scenes and an objection was raised by the lady as to how such things can be shown in public. Taking cue from it, the TV reported immediately rushed to Payal and asked if she was cool with the whole role and the issue. Payal shared her response and revealed even her parents also liked what she did and said in Hindi ‘itna tehelka kyun macharaha hai bhaayi...’ meaning ‘why are you trying to make it such a big issue dude’.


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