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Sri Reddy To Be Arrested


Controversial actress Sri Reddy is going on with her baseless claims on Tolly and Kollywood celebrities. After Sri Reddy felt Tollywood claims were ignored, she had now migrated to the Tamil movie industry.

Though Sri Reddy claims that she was sexually exploited, none of her claims are worth taking a serious action. Sri Reddy has been using vulgar language and also revealing things against the celebrities even without solid proofs.

Sri Reddy's facebook has been filled with her posts claiming that she was exploited by reputed people. One of the social activists Varahi said that Sri Reddy is committing a crime by blackmailing the celebrities and popular people.

"Making allegations without proof is a crime. Defamation costs her a lot. She is just on a mission to defame the popular people. Also, she was involved in the prostitution, which is a crime. Her interviews and her posts are full of vulgarity. She must be arrested", Varahi told.

Well, a case has been filed against Sri Reddy. Must wait and see what happens next.

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