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Who Can Support Sri Reddy In Chennai?


After the turmoil and embarrassment the Telugu Film industry underwent thanks to Sri Reddy, it is now the turn of the Kollywood circuit. It is known news that Sri Reddy has gone to Chennai few days back and she has been repeating the same act. Already, big names of the Tamil industry are being accused of casting couch by Sri Reddy.

While the reactions and retaliations have begun, there is one discussion happening here. Some are asking who can support Sri Reddy in Chennai. Apparently, when she was creating the ruckus here, the likes of Devi, Sandhya and other women organizations came forward and supported along with few electronic news channels as well.

As for Chennai, her minus point is, she doesn’t know Tamil so she cannot speak in local channels there. Added to that, she doesn’t have hold there like she does here so this tirade may not last long. Most importantly, the Tamil folks are rather aggressive and shrewd when compared to the Telugu folks so they would deal with Sri Reddy quickly without any complacency.


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