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Hero's Tensions For Producers


You can consider yourself very lucky when you get a hero who is understanding and cooperative once the shooting begins. The moment you come across those ‘know it all’ heroes life gets rather miserable because the director or the producer cannot do their job. There have been many instances wherein the over involvement of heroes led to disasters.

The films ended up as flops and despite that few heroes don’t learn. This time, it is the turn of another big hero giving tensions to the producers. This happens to be a very prestigious project and since his home banner’s name is there he is putting his finger in all decisions and stopping some crucial issues.

Apparently, the film is getting fabulous offers. Since beautiful offers are coming for digital and satellite rights, producers are saying ‘let us sell’ but he is saying ‘Stop! We will get even better offers as we go forward’. If it works okay otherwise it is trouble. As of now prospects look great but producers are in tension. But some are saying this movie has sufficient hype so even if it gets delayed not an issue.


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