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Sam's Revelations On Casting Couch


Among the many ways that are used to target the entertainment industry, the most convenient is the ‘casting couch’ and recently this got a bit exaggerated thanks to Sri Reddy and the electronic media. In the process, some of the struggling actresses also gave few sensational statements so that they could grab some mileage.

However, it all came down to the seniors and the experienced people of Tollywood to come out with some sensible statements. The latest in that happens to be the cute smile queen Samantha. She got to share her thoughts on casting couch when she reportedly mentioned that this exists in every other industry.

Sam reportedly added that there would be that handful of ‘Black Sheep’ everywhere due to whom the issue gets so magnified. The leading star reportedly maintained that she has met some really good and helpful human beings in the eight years of her career and declared she would continue working here even after becoming a mother.

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