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Pinching Film Critics Again

Just like there is a love-hate relationship between the cinema industry and the media, there is also a special love-hate relationship between the cinema circuit and the film reviewers. Incidentally, it is more of hate and downplaying towards the film critics by the cine folks than anything else. So, whenever an opportunity comes, the critics are pinched.

This time, it was the turn of mega brother Nagababu. He happens to be one of the producers of the upcoming release ‘Naa Peru Surya’. Sharing his thoughts regarding reviews, Nagababu was quite clear that reviews cannot do an ounce of influence on a film’s result because if the public likes a film, nothing can stop them from coming to theatres.

He reportedly recalled many instances where reviews were bad but films worked big time at the box office. The latest to quote was the recent release ‘Rangasthalam’. Well, now that Nagababu has made it clear the critics can’t do much, it has to be seen whether the reviewer fraternity will take this lying low or come up with a proper answer.


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