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Producers Running Away From That Director

Generally, when you score a hit as a director you tend to get flocked to producers who will be willing to give you advances even without hearing your next story. However, the case of one young director in Tollywood seems to be going in the other direction wherein producers are running away from him.
Apparently, this director came up with a psychological drama which was quite a deal to the brain. The thinking audience said hats off to this twisted treat as it was a perfect feast to the brain. Meanwhile, another group of cine buffs said this movie is crazy and why is there so much of brainwork.
So, whenever this director is being recommended by someone to the producers they are running away from this director citing “We cannot handle such type of stories, we don’t need such crazy stuff.”  That way, it is clear that once or twice it is okay but they are not keen to do such stuff. Of course, it is not sure the director also wants to do the same genre, he might want to do something different so meet him once and then take a call.

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