Despite the past debacles, Sai Dharam Tej seems to be in a swing. His upcoming movie Inttelligent is releasing tomorrow and here is Dharam Tej's full interview regarding the movie.
Q.How are you feeling? Aren't you tensed?
A. I am not at all tense. I am a bit more confident this time. In fact, I am excited to see how the audience will receive this movie.
Q. About your role in Inttelligent?
A. I appear in the role of a software engineer. When any inconvenience is caused to our dear ones, we all tend to become stronger and powerful. I have played the role of a person who wins the villains with his intelligence.
Q. About VV Vinayak Garu?
A. Firstly, I thank Vinayak garu for selecting me to work with him. After such a big hit like Khaidi No 150, to choose me is a risk. Even then, Vinayak Garu out his trust on me. It was a great learning experience for him. He is always cool on the sets.
Q. Do you have to say anything about previous failures?
A. I worked hard for all the stories. Even though things seemed like they were working well, they turned out as failures. I tried to introspect and trying to be careful about the upcoming movies
Q. Reason behind doing only commercial movies?
A. I really want to attempt some different movies and work on different subjects. But, the directors are approaching me only with mass movies. Next movie might make a difference as it is a love story with Karunakaran.
Q. Why no one from Mega Family attends any of your promotions?
A. Everyone is busy with their own works. See, you can't expect them to be able to attend to all of your functions. Sometimes they cannot make it to the events, but they surely support me personally.
Q. A few words about Balakrishna and Prabhas
A. They are wonderful people. We get so busy that we forget to do our own things. How many of them make time to promote the co-actors? They took time to come down all the way to promote our movie. Very thankful to them.