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Will This Film Promotion Work?

Whenever your film is ready to take the litmus test at the box office, it is very important to prepare a strategy that catches the attention of the public and makes them come to the theatres. On the other hand, it is also important to come up with a plan that ensures the film is taken to the maximum target audience.

It is here that the film promotions work and lately a new trend is being observed in Tollywood. Most of the movies whether they are small, medium or large budgets are preferring to target the colleges and educational institutions. It is clear that youth audience is their main focus and the crowd response to the event is very nice.

However, fact remains that a large congregation doesn’t necessarily converge into tickets getting sold at the box office. So, if the filmmakers are sensible to understand that going to the colleges is purely for visibility and they should not calculate it as ticket conversion, their objective is achieved. At the end of the day, it is the content which matters.

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