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Tammu's De-stress Philosophy

Being a celebrity or a famous artist is something most of us would fancy but a closer look reveals it has a lot of baggage that needs to be dealt with. This is more for the actresses who are in the top range where media focus and public attention is too high. As a result, one beautiful girl has found her own method.

She is none other than the milky white beauty Tamannaah. It is heard that whenever she gets few minutes break during her break, instead of latching onto her mobile phone or watching television, Tammu prefers to take a quick nap and recharge herself. The pretty girl reportedly said she loves to focus on herself at that point.

She has reportedly added that during shooting the stress levels are quite high and hence this kind of recharging is much necessary. Hence, she tends to spend time with herself. This kind of de-stress philosophy is something new, maybe the rest of the starlets can take a leaf out of Tammu’s book.

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