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Dr C Narayana Reddy's Last Title Card Released

It has been a while since the iconic Dr C Narayana Reddy departed to heaven and you know that he has not been penning any songs in the recent past. Given that you might be wondering how his name has featured in a title card but here are the details to clear the doubts.
The song ‘Konte choopu cheptundi….’ from the old movie Jeevitha Chakram has been rehashed for the new movie Paisa Vasool. It is the same lyric and same song but sung by new singers. As a result, in the title card for lyrics Dr C Narayana Reddy’s name was mentioned.
That way, technically this is the last from him though it is something he didn’t write for this movie. Of course, it could open up ideas for others so we have to see how many more of his old songs would be used in the future movies and his name would be seen in title cards again.

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