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Pawan Kalyan's Political Scene In 2019 Doubtful?

Speaking about the political entry of power star Pawan Kalyan, it is known that strong speculations have been making rounds about Pawan contesting in the 2019 elections. He is already the founder of the Jana Sena Party.
However, the latest updates might break your heart if you are Pawan’s fan. Well, the power star recently went to Dubai and met all the Telugus there. It is heard that he was taking personal interest in them and asked them questions like "What do you do and since how long are you here.”
In one such interaction one person reportedly requested Pavan not to contest the elections and be like JP of Lok Satta. For that, Pawan reportedly said “Even I am thinking of the same.” If this be true, maybe active participation may not be there. In another instance, a person asked “What can we do for you.” For this Pawan reportedly replied “Nothing, just give me your blessings.” His brief line floored many keeping his image impact.

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