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Charmme In Portugal Controversy

You can dress the way you want but there is a hidden understanding of culture and tradition when you visit a temple or a holy place. It is always apt to dress as per the requirement. And being a film celebrity this is mandatory owing to the public attention you draw.

Despite that, it appears the charming beauty Charmme didn’t hesitate to step into a puddle of mud. Well, Charmme is currently in Portugal overseeing the shooting of Paisa Vasool. There, she went to a local Gurudwara to seek the blessings.

While that is a good thought, the attire she wore was rather shocking. Technically speaking, Charmme wore nothing below and was flashing her thunder thighs in a sacred place. This has not at all gone well with the Aam Janta including her fans as well. Hope wisdom prevails on this charming beauty.

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