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Ravi Manhandles Two Producers?

The name Ravi may not ring a bell in your heads but then his full name is Ravi Panasa and he is a noted PRO and event entrepreneur in Tollywood. Recently, he gave an interview to a popular web channel. For one question he replied “I bashed two producers”.

Ravi added “One producer owed me money and he said ‘I won’t give, tell whoever you want’ so I went ahead and manhandled him. Good thing is, that producer has become my close friend now. The second producer commented something wrong against my close friend Madhura Sreedhar.”

“So, I went to the pub where the producer was there and got into a physical tiff with him. Now, even that producer also became my friend.” Well, with these statements Ravi created a sensation. So far, industry knows him but not the public but with this interview he became known to public also.

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