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Mega Plan of Ram Charan for Chiranjeevi?!

Mega Powerstar Ram Charan took a big responsibility on his shoulders by taking up the job of producing his father’s most awaited 150th film-Khaidi No 150.

Well, he is looking after each and every aspect regarding the film to have a smooth & blasting release. As per the inside sources, he is so particular about the distribution of Khaidi in all the regions and he is releasing on his own the film across the Nizam region.

However, a popular distribution already bagged the rights for releasing the film in this region. The immense fan following and the highest revenues for the Chiru’s films is the main reason behind this decision.

This clearly indicates Ram Charan is making sure everything falls in right place to become Khaidi No 150 a blockbuster hit.
ALSO READ : Censor Talk of Chiranjeevi's Khaidi No 150

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