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EVV Satyanarayana proves To Be Nostradamus

There must be those among you who have the yearning for knowledge and reading various types of books. Given that, you would not need an introduction on who Nostradamus is. To give a small briefing, Nostradamus was a French Apothecary who came up with many predictions in the 16th century.

Most of them turned out to be true in today’s time. So, why is the late filmmaker EVV Satyanarayana being compared to Nostradamus. Well, few years ago Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad was the hero of the movie Aa Okkati Adakku wherein one scene showed a shirt with complete holes.

Through that movie, EVV told it is going to be the best fashion of future and we thought it was comedy. Now, it is becoming a reality. For the record, it was called as ‘gaali bokkala chokka’ in the movie. Today, the price of this shirt is a whopping Rs. 1799/- and you can find it at Forum Mall. Hail EVV!

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