The promising mega hero Sai Dharam Tej came up with his latest offering Thikka on the eve of long weekend and planned to get the maximum out of it. But unfortunately, the film opened with disastrous reviews and extreme negative talk right from the day one. J
ust when the makers of Thikka are in upset mode to witness this reception, another social media challenge has come up for them. During the audio release of Thikka, Allu Arjun’s fans were targeted in a quirky manner when the hero commented on their favorite star and now they are seeking revenge on this film in a crazy manner. They are trending the hash tag #ThikkaKudirindaBrother as a shocking counter to the young Mega hero.
This must be a stunner to Sai Dharam Tej and he better makes sure of what he comments on any hero’s fans from now on!