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Can Telugu Stars Do This Feat?

As you keep growing in your career you tend to be above a majority of the population and this isolation is more when you are in the entertainment industry because you are a celebrity. Hence, it is obvious that your presence among people will become less. As a result, few celebrities attempt something bold.

They go in disguise to public places and spend few hours just to see if someone recognizes them. This happens more in the Hollywood circuit but now one singer has done something. He is none other than Sonu Nigam. Recently, he disguised himself as a beggar musician and walked on the streets of Mumbai.

Not stopping at that, he also sat at few places, played his harmony and sang few songs. The reactions from the passersby were priceless. The filmnagar folks who saw this were literally zapped and one question popped in their minds – ‘Can Telugu stars do this feat’?  only time will answer that.
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