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NRIs Fall Only For PFE In Theatres

There was a time when wooing the audience in the Telugu states and those Telugus across the nation were the target. But with passing time, the percentage of Telugus abroad has increased and now a large market has formed in countries like USA. Hence, the NRI audience has become the hot priority now.

Whenever movies are made in Tollywood, they are trying to fill them with elements that can appease the NRI segment because that brings dollars and it means more money. But it is not an easy task at all. After a significant amount of time and research, here is the key to win the hearts of NRIs.

They would like to shell out their valuable dollars in theatres only for Proper Family Entertainers. Thanks to that, even if the film doesn’t work in domestic market, it stands a good chance in overseas market. Recently, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy stormed the box office because of its entertainment quotient and the family flavor.

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