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Power Of Telugu Entertainment

At a global level, entertainment from India meant only Bollywood and many didn’t know that something like a Tollywood or other regional circuits exist. At a national level, Bollywood’s dominance has been there since long. But in the last two decades, Telugu cinema has been quick to catch up.

Today, many Telugu films are dubbed in Hindi and they give maximum TRP in the north entertainment channels. Similarly, many technicians are imported from Tollywood to Bollywood. Last but not the least, even the films and their stories are also being remade by the biggest stars of Mumbai.

That way, the Telugu power in entertainment industry has risen by leaps and bounds. Even in youtube, among the top 5 videos most watched videos in India trending right now, 3 belong to Telugu movies. This is indeed a good sign for Tollywood and if the same efficiency is maintained, we would become a great force to reckon with.

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