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Ravi Teja about Raj Tarun!

The energetic and massy actor Ravi Teja is not only known for his spontaneous comedy and high voltage action episodes on screen but also for his extremely friendly and lovable nature off the screen. People who know him in person always speak highly about his sportive attitude and light hearted character. Here is another wonderful example of this fact!

When the Mass Maharaja was interviewed on the eve of his latest film Kick 2 releasing this Friday, the topic of which films he watched recently came into picture. Ravi Teja coolly said he watched Cinema Chupistha Maava recently and liked it a lot. He also said he liked the performance of Raj Tarun a lot and admired the ease of the young actor.

Ravi Teja also said it is indeed surprising to see every actor with ease being compared to himself and said Raj Tarun is an actor with his own style and persona. To make things even better, The Mass Maharaja said he got reminded of his earlier flick Idiot when he saw this film!

The young budding actor Raj Tarun would be quite happy to know this shower of positive responses from someone like Ravi Teja!

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