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Ali's Answer To Annapurna In Coming Film

You must have noticed in the last few days that one issue was trending a lot on the internet. This has to do with the observations made by a girl named Annapurna Sunkara and she came down heavily on Tollywood and the way women are being treated as sexist objects and what not.

In that process, Annapurna had a special quota of bashing for senior comedian Ali and she snapped at him for his jokes on heroines during film related events. While she got her share of replies from many cine buffs, all were eagerly waiting to see what Ali had to say about the whole mudslinging episode.

Well, inside news reveals that Annapurna Sunkara will get an answer very soon from Ali in one of his next movies. Writers are working on it tremendously and it is heard that this would be the perfect reply from a highly respected actor whose sense of humor is known to all in a very good spirit.

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