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Senior Hero's Direction Dreams

When you look at the 24 crafts of the cinema, perhaps the toughest among them would be the segment of direction. This is the reason why a director is called the captain of the ship and he has to take care of many things while shooting for a film. It is clear that unless one has the bug inside to direct, he/she cannot become a filmmaker.

This is perhaps the reason why one senior hero who has seen significant success in his career is now showing interest to wield the megaphone. He is none other than the chocolate hunk Madhavan. Maddy as he is fondly called has been part of the film industry since the past two decades.

Recently, he revealed his innermost desire through a tweet which goes like this – ‘If I ever become a film director, it will be because I want to tell my stories, uninterrupted.’ The conviction with which Maddy has given the tweet, it won’t be long before he would take to direction it looks like. Wonder what will happen to his female fans if he quits acting.

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