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Hansika ignores Morphed Shower Leaks

Few years back, a shower video of Trisha has gone crazily viral and created huge sensation. The video was concluded to be a morphed one very lately. Trisha had a real tough time to handle the entire hullabaloo and of course, she triumphed and came back strong.

After a long time, latest sensation Radhika Apte (Legend fame) also had to go through the same bumpy situation. Some sleazy photographs claiming to be the shower leaks of Radhika have gone viral and the topic was abuzz for a while. These rumors and pics were successful in disturbing Radhika who ripped off the rumors through her tweet -

“You guys! If you're going to get someone to pass off as naked me, she needs to look a lot more like me. ½”

This was indeed a witty yet impressive way of retaliating. Well, the recent victim of this fake leak was Hansika Motwani. From the past couple of days, a morphed shower video was doing rounds in the web. But unlike Radhika, Hansika seems to have chosen to safely ignore the video and rumors. Is she still ignorant of this video or is this her style of dealing such things?

However, her fans opine that she needs to come up front and lash out these rumors. What shall be Hansika’s next step? Well, let’s wait and see!

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