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NATS Title Song By Anup Rubens

The quickest way to grab attention of the crowds for an event is to come up with a theme song or a title song and if luck permits then it would go viral and create enough hype. This is the reason why certain organizations hire the best in the business to churn out a catchy tune.

As part of that, the noted music director Anup Rubens has now been hired for a special job. Well, he has to come up with a title song for the annual gathering of NATS (North American Telugu Society) which is scheduled to take place in the USA from July 3rd to July 5th. This is going to be a very big gathering.

The lyrics for this title song are being penned by Ananth Sriram and it is heard that Anup Rubens wants to come up with a chartbuster material number. NATS is one congregation where some of the most powerful and influential Telugu NRIs come together so what better platform than that to display his talent.

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