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Jr NTR After 46 Days

When you become a fan of a star hero, you would be eager to hear anything and everything about him at regular intervals. This has been the situation of the fans of young tiger Junior NTR who is quite rare in media glare and doesn’t make much noise in social media as well.

But after a huge gap of 46 days, the young tiger made his presence on his social networking profile and it took the death of a big legend to bring him there. Junior came up with a tweet like this – ‘ANTHU LENI KATHA tho MARO CHARITRANI shrushtinchina meeru malli maa madhya ki vacchi inko charitrani maakistarani aashistu RIP KB Garu’

Though this tweet came with a cause and reason, fans of Jr NTR are quite happy to see him active. Incidentally, they were quite concerned on how NTR was coping up after the tragic demise of his brother Nandamuri Janakiram. The anxiety of the fans will rest only after they see this young and talented star with his new movie ‘Temper’ onscreen.

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