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Nagarjuna's Guest Role In New Film

The concept of guest appearances from big stars always gives that extra slice of entertainment and excitement to the audience. This has been in vogue at Bollywood from a long time but now it is picking up strongly in Tollywood as well. And when a film has someone like Akkineni Nagarjuna doing a guest role, you can imagine the frenzy.

Well, reports are arriving from filmnagar circles that Nag is all set to do a guest role in a new movie. And guess what the film is? it happens to be the debut flick of his son Akkineni Akhil. From what most of us can remember, Nag has never done a guest role in Telugu.

He did something like that in Bollywood for the films Zakhm and LOC Kargil and now he would be repeating the act in Telugu. Incidentally, Akhil did a guest appearance in Nag’s last release Manam and now the reverse seems to be happening. No official announcement on this yet but it would be a great treat for the audience if it works.

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